This CPC exam prep course will assist you in learning how to read your coding books in preparation to pass the CPC. We will also work together on test taking strategies and practice exams. You will feel confident enough to practice on your own, outside of the sessions, to assist in your success.



Consultations. These sessions are typically used for those that are certified, but are not one of our students. They help to direct you on how to seek work, resumes, etc.


Two day Pre-Recorded Sessions (emailed immediately upon receipt of payment)


Two day Pre-Recorded Sessions (emailed immediately upon receipt of payment) and two Live Sessions that are each an hour long, via zoom and a Live Recap Session the week before testing.


Two day Pre-Recorded Sessions (emailed immediately upon receipt of payment) and four Live Sessions that are each an hour long, via zoom and a Live Recap Session the week before testing.


Two day Pre-Recorded Sessions (emailed immediately upon receipt of payment) and six Live Sessions that are each an hour long, via zoom and a Live Recap Session the week before testing.

*All packages include the Informational Session video.

Payment: Currently we are accepting payment via Paypal only. Please send the cost of these sessions to:

You will receive an email of the pre-recorded sessions and be able to attend your live sessions via zoom link.